
Updated JCQ AI Use in Assessments guidance

Event Description

On Monday 5th February JCQ published updated guidance on the use of AI, especially related to non-examined assessment (NEA) and coursework.

The guidance includes examples of where students have failed to reference their use of AI properly. Students can use AI to complete assessments, but they must do so by referencing it as set out in the guidance.

Alongside the updated guidance, there are also posters for teachers and students, and editable slide decks for both teachers and students.

The guidance is designed to help students and teachers to complete NEAs, coursework and other internal assessments successfully. These assessments give students the chance to demonstrate skills which cannot be assessed in exams.

Here's a summary of what has changed:

  • Added real-life candidate malpractice examples involving AI that has not been referenced appropriately (see new appendix A)
  • Added information on how to authenticate private candidate work  
  • Added a new section, AI use and marking, to give clearer guidance on the impact on marking of student use of AI tools and on the use of AI tools by assessors when marking, with real-life examples (see new appendix B)
  • Expanded the list of AI tools and AI detection tools.  

All the resources can be found here.