
AI in Education Annual Conference - AI: Overcoming Challenges in Education

Monday, June 24, 2024
10:00 am

Event Description

AI in Education, in partnership with The Open University, present our annual conference titled "AI: Overcoming Challenges in Education."

We invite you to listen to four keynote presentations and participate in interactive breakout sessions addressing several of the challenges currently facing education where we believe AI can make a difference.

For those unable to attend in person at the OU, we offer the option to register as a digital delegate, enabling you to livestream the morning keynote presentation.

Keynote Presentations:

Professor Rose Luckin: AI in the Classroom: Empowering Teachers and Enhancing Student Learning.

Professor Ian Dunn: Personalising the student journey: Will AI really deliver a differentiated HE experience?

Dr Aisling Third: Supporting students and teachers with responsible Artificial Intelligence

Scott Haydon: Empowering Digital Wellbeing and AI-Driven improvements in Teaching and Learning and student outcomes.