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AI-Enhanced Literacy and 21st Century Skill Development: A Case Study on Bing Image Creator in Education

Pupil Referral Unit
Sixth Form
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Teaching & Inclusive Practices
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Case Study
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Practitioners Panel
Chris Goodall

Head of Digital Education, Bourne Education Trust

Bing Image Creator serves as a unique AI-based tool aimed at promoting literacy and fostering 21st-century skills among students. Its application across different subjects enables students to generate their own vivid descriptions, collaborate in real-time, and evaluate critically. While enhancing literacy, the tool also nurtures skills like communication, problem-solving, and digital competence. This case study delves into the effective use of Bing Image Creator in a classroom setting, highlighting key learning outcomes and addressing potential risks.

Incorporating Bing Image Creator into classroom activities presents a rich, multi-disciplinary approach to learning. Here's how it works:

Step 1: Teachers introduce a sample prompt and image to guide students on their creative journey. This prompt can be tailored to any subject—history, science, literature, etc.

Step 2: Students individually craft their own prompts based on a topic specified by the teacher. These prompts are aimed at generating vivid descriptions for images they envision.

Step 3: Students are then grouped into teams of four. Each group evaluates the individual prompts and combines them, honing their collaboration and communication skills in the process. The end result is a “super-prompt”that encapsulates a more intricate scene.

Step 4: The super-prompt is then sent to the teacher to feed into Bing Image Creator, which uses AI to generate a visual representation. This allows students to see their collaborative ideas come to life, stimulating critical thinking and creativity.

Step 5: Students vote on which AI-generated image best represents the topic, adding a layer of peer review and critical evaluation.

Extension Activity: To push the envelope, students can write stories around the generated images, incorporating elements of the broader topic they are studying. This reinforces their subject matter understanding and promotes literacy in an engaging way.

Throughout these activities, Bing Image Creator not only elevates literacy but also enhances other crucial 21st-century skills such as digital literacy, problem-solving, and prompt writing.

The scenario in this case study is genuine and based uponreal events and data, however its narration has been crafted by AI to uphold astandardised and clear format for readers.

Key Learning

Bing Image Creator can be effectively integrated across various subjects, making it a versatile educational tool.

The tool naturally encourages teamwork and communication among students.

Alongside literacy, students are gaining invaluable 21st-century skills essential for future success in an increasingly digital world.

AI-generated images serve as motivational elements,enhancing student participation and interest in the topic.


Over-reliance on Bing Image Creator could risk narrowing the range of creative methods and tools explored in classrooms.

Storing and processing student data within an AI tool may pose security risks if not managed carefully.

Not all educational settings have the required infrastructure for AI-powered tools, which can perpetuate educational inequality.

The AI could inadvertently produce inappropriate or misleading images, necessitating strict monitoring.