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Embracing AI for Enhanced Teaching and Wellbeing: A Case Study at Basingstoke College of Technology

Sixth Form
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Teaching & Inclusive Practices
Key Stage 5
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Case Study
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Scott Hayden

Head of Teaching, Learning & Digital, Basingstoke College of Technology

Basingstoke College of Technology's innovative integration of AI tools like Google Bard and Teachermatic has revolutionised teaching practices, significantly reducing teacher workload and enhancing educational quality. The college established an AI Ethics Group and conducted controlled AI prototypes for planning and student learning. This initiative resulted in an average time saving of 5.1 hours per week per teacher, allowing for a stronger focus on developing students' human skills. Key strategies included rethinking assessment methods, offering targeted CPD sessions, and implementing an AI Misuse Policy. This strategic use of AI has led to improved teacher wellbeing, more engaging learning experiences, and a focus on essential human skills alongside technological proficiency.

The Basingstoke College of Technology (BCoT) has embarked on a progressive journey to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) into its educational practices, demonstrating a pioneering approach in leveraging technology to enhance teaching efficiency and foster human skills development among students.

AI Integration and Teacher Workload Reduction

At the forefront of this initiative is the application of AI tools, notably Google Bard and Teachermatic, aimed at reducing teachers'administrative burdens. Since June 2023, BCoT teachers have reported an average time saving of 5.1 hours per week, a substantial reduction that has been redirected towards more effective teaching and nurturing essential human skills in students. This shift has been instrumental in addressing the growing concern of teacher burnout and workload, a critical factor in teacher retention and educational quality.

Ethical Framework and Controlled Prototypes

Recognising the ethical implications of AI, BCoT established an AI Ethics Group comprising Teaching and Learning, IT Systems, and GDPR teams. This group convenes monthly to ensure that AI applications align with the college’s strategy and ethical standards. From February to December, the college executed a phased implementation, including controlled planning prototypes with teachers, student learning enhancements, and the development of an AI Misuse Policy. These steps ensured a responsible and measured integration of AI within the educational framework.

Innovative Approaches in Planning and Assessment

The application of AI has been particularly transformative in planning and resource creation. Teachers received training and support in using Sequence of Learning Prompts and other AI-generated aids, which facilitated efficient planning and administration tasks. Additionally, BCoT undertook a significant shift in assessment methodologies. The traditional reliance on essays gave way to more diverse formats like podcasts, blogs, and real-world projects, prompted by the capabilities of AI tools like Snapchat’s My AI in answering standard essay questions. This evolution in assessment reflects a commitment to authenticity and relevance in student evaluation.

Professional Development and Support

Professional development has been a cornerstone of BCoT’s AI strategy. Staff Continuous Professional Development (CPD) sessions on AI were conducted regularly, supplemented by Learning Coach and Technologist support,both online and in-person. This approach ensured that teachers were not only familiar with AI tools but could also apply them effectively in their teaching practices.

Impact on Teaching and Learning

The use of AI at BCoT has had a tangible impact on teaching and learning dynamics. Case studies like Chef Lecturer Chris Swain illustrate the profound effect of AI in transforming teaching approaches. Utilising ChatGPT, Chris transformed his culinary notes and ideas into a comprehensive curriculum swiftly, freeing him to focus more on engaging and interactive teaching. Such applications underline AI’s role as a facilitator of enriched teaching experiences and the development of non-technical skills like communication and emotional intelligence.

Future Directions and Ethical Considerations

BCoT continues to navigate the evolving landscape of AI in education. The college is committed to enhancing digital literacy and ethical AI usage among students, preparing them for the future workplace. The journey includes ongoing exploration of AI in assessment feedback and personalised learning, always within the college's ethical and strategic framework.

In conclusion, BCoT’s application of AI in education serves as a model for how technology can empower educators, enrich the learning experience, and ensure a balanced focus on both technological proficiency and essential human skills development.

The scenario in this case study is genuine and based upon real events and data, however its narration has been crafted by AI to uphold a standardised and clear format for readers.

Key Learning

Efficiency in Teacher Workload: AI tools like Google Bard and Teachermatic have significantly reduced the time teachers spend on administrative tasks, leading to an average of 5.1 hours saved per week. This allows teachers to focus more on teaching and student interaction.

Ethical and Responsible AI Use: The establishment of an AI Ethics Group at BCoT underlines the importance of ethical considerations in AI applications. This ensures AI is used in alignment with institutional values and strategies, preventing misuse.

Innovation in Teaching and Assessment: BCoT has transitioned to diverse assessment methods, including podcasts and real-world projects, and has emphasised balancing technology with the development of essential human skills. Continuous adaptation and innovation in AI applications are integral to their approach, enhancing teaching efficiency and effectiveness.


Data Privacy and Security: Implementing AI in education requires handling extensive personal data, posing risks of data breaches and privacy infringement. Ensuring strong data protection and compliance with privacy laws like GDPR is vital.

Balancing Technology with Traditional Skills: Heavy reliance on AI for tasks might erode traditional teaching skills and critical thinking in educators.It's important to use technology to enhance, not replace, basic teaching methods and skills.

Addressing Bias and Inequality in AI: AI systems can unintentionally reflect biases from their training data, potentially leading to unfair outcomes and perpetuating stereotypes in education. Designing and training AI systems to be unbiased and equitable is crucial to avoid these issues.