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Improving Well-Being: Implementing an AI-Driven Out-of-Hour Contact Policy in Education

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Leadership & Implementation
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Case Study
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Practitioners Panel
Matt Jones, Kings International College

Associate Assistant Headteacher

In response to the need for a robust out-of-hour contact policy within their Well-Being strategy, this case study explores how leveraging AI, specifically ChatGPT, enabled a seamless and efficient approach. From initial drafting to final approval, this AI-driven policy stands as a brief but expedient example in the education sector.

At the heart of our Well-Being strategy, an out-of-hour contact policy was deemed essential. Rather than embarking on a time-consuming manual creation, we turned to ChatGPT for assistance. Utilising a basic persona and prompt, ChatGPT generated a preliminary version. Through iterative feedback and refinements, the AI-produced draft evolved into a polished policy.

ChatGPT's unique ability to understand context and adapt to specific requirements allowed us to tailor the policy precisely to our school's needs. The collaboration between human expertise and AI capabilities resulted in a document that met the expectations of our Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Governors.

Upon approval, the policy transitioned from a digital draft to a professionally formatted document.  This AI-driven policy was the first of its kind for our school.  Its successful implementation across the school underscores the transformative potential of AI in shaping educational policies efficiently and effectively.

This experience illuminates the potential of AI collaboration in policy creation.

The scenario in this case study is genuine and based upon real events and data, however its narration has been crafted by AI to uphold a standardised and clear format for readers.

Key Learning

The capacity of AI to expedite policy development.

Adaptability to specific requirements.

Successful integration of AI-generated content into the governance framework. 


Over-reliancewithout human oversight. It is crucial to balance AI's efficiency with the need for nuanced human judgement in policy creation.

Additionally, ensuring AI aligns with ethical and regulatory standards is paramount to avoid unintended consequences.