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The EdTech Podcast - A Teacher's Perspective: It has to start with the Leadership Team (part2)

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Rose Luckin

In the second episode on AI in UK schools, Professor Rose Luckin explores AI integration further with three very special guests helping to lead the way with AI in their institutions.

Talking points and questions include:

🪗 What is the extent of AIpenetration in your schools, including teacher usage, classes avoiding it,student use, and any strategies or evaluation plans in place regarding reactiveor proactive AI adoption?

🎸No AI is risk-free, so concerns around impacts on learning, creativity,authorship, assessment, and whether students genuinely understand AI-generatedcontent are critical issues

🎙️Safeguarding measures must address the risks of AI providing misleading,biased, or explicit content without consent as these technologies proliferatein classrooms

📣Comprehensive AI training is needed for educators at all levels to ensuresmooth technology transitions while maintaining human-centric learningapproaches as new tools and understanding are required

Hear from Adam Webster, CaterhamSchool, Scott Hayden,BCoT and Chris Goodall,BET and AI inEducation

Key Learning
