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Using AI to produce reading questions linked specific domains

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Teaching & Inclusive Practices
Key Stage 2
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Case Study
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Practitioners Panel
Fran Pretty

Teacher - Cornerstone Primary School

Create numerous examples of questions linked to a specific reading domain or a few questions on each comprehension domain.

Staff have used AI to generate reading comprehension questions linked to the focus text.

It has been used as part of morning challenges to apply learning of a specific skill or as part of a guided reading lesson when teaching a skill and the children need lots of varied fluency practice to master the skill.

Be specific about the age of the pupils, location (UK) and which areas of NC or specific objective you want to generate multiple questions on.

e.g. Use this text to generate 3 questions linked to each of the KS2 reading domains that children in the UK are tested on in their Year 6 SATS.


Examples provided (See link at end of case study):

Vocabulary Questions (Content Domain 2a)

Retrieval Questions (Content Domain 2b)

Summarising Questions (Content Domain 2c)

InferenceQuestions (Content Domain 2d)

Prediction Questions (Content Domain 2e)

Explaining Questions (Content Domain 2f)

Key Learning

Children can have more frequent practice of particular skills due to the reduction in time to prepare the questions.

More variety in questions and more examples are able to be given.

Differentiation / adaptations can be done at a quicker speed in multiple ways such as making the text more accessible and making the questions less demanding through the simplification of language.


Risks primarily centre around maintaining educational quality, supporting teacher expertise, and ensuring student learning isn't compromised by automated content generation.

Success depends on using AI as a supplementary tool while maintaining strong teacher oversight and pedagogical judgment.