
How are you using AI? Compare your progress to other Schools and Colleges across the UK by taking part in a short survey.

Event Description

Invite from Professor Rose Luckin for you to take part in a national benchmarking exercise to evaluate current trends in the use of AI in education.

Dear Colleague,

I am Professor Rose Luckin and I would like to invite you to participate in a national benchmarking exercise to evaluate current trends in the use of AI in education. Your perspective counts and all I will need is for you to complete a simple self-evaluation (It shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes). In return for your involvement you will have free access to a private personalised report card and the final anonymised benchmarking publication.

I have been working in the field of AI for education for 30 years and speaking about AI at national and international conferences around the world. I provide advice to governments including in the UK and am frequently called to give evidence at Select Committees about AI,ethics and education. I believe that AI can bring benefit to education.However, as a professor at UCL’s Institute of Education and a former schoolteacher, I believe we need a much clearer idea about what is happening across schools and colleges in order to know how best to help educators safely harness the potential of AI . Over the last few months my team and I have collected about 1200 responses from your colleagues around the world regarding their feelings towards AI and its uses in the classroom. We find: 

 • Many educators feel that they understand the general concepts of AI, and that they also have an understanding of the potential threats posed by AI systems in an educational setting 

 • But at the same time, they are unsure of how to safeguard against these potential threats, and unsure of how to use the technology in the classroom 

 • Use of AI is often inconsistent and there is currently no audit of its application in education and therefore we simply don’t know what is happening 

The feedback from your school or college will contribute to the report published by my company, EDUCATE Ventures Research,summarising the state of AI literacy in UK education. I intend to publish this report in June of this year so please complete your self-evaluation by clicking on the link below now. EDUCATE Ventures Research partners with a number of high-profile organisations within education and government and I believe piloting this initiative will help shape the public conversation around AI and safeguarding into practical action concerned with ethics, regulation, and the responsible, safe use of emerging technology for teaching and learning. 


LINK: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AIBenchmarkingself-evaluation


“It is not a question of whether AI will replace human intelligence, rather how quickly human intelligence supported by AI will replace human intelligence unsupported by AI” - Lord David Puttnam 


“It may seem counter-intuitive,but technology really can make learning a more profoundly human experience”- Lord Jim Knight 


Yours faithfully, 


Rose Luckin 

Professor Emeritus of Learner Centred Design, UCL 

Founder/CEO EDUCATE Ventures Research Ltd.