
Westminster Education Forum - Next Steps for AI in Education

Thursday, February 29, 2024
9:00 am

Event Description

This conference will consider the future role of artificial intelligence (AI) within the education sector.

It Is bringing together key stakeholders and policymakers to discuss the opportunities and challenges posed by AI in the classroom, including large language models (LLMs)such as ChatGPT and Google Bard.

We expect discussion to draw on issues raised in the DfE’s Generative artificial intelligence in education policy paper published in September 2023, which suggested that the education sector should utilise opportunities that AI provides, using the technology safely to deliver excellent education that prepares pupils to contribute to society and the future workplace.

Discussion will consider how AI can be utilised to improve education, including which subjects will benefit most, looking at risks and legal considerations relating to ethics, data privacy and security, as well as how students can be taught to better understand AI.

We are pleased to be able to include keynote sessions with: Bridie Tooher, Deputy Director, Digital Strategy Division, Department for Education; and Sir Anthony Seldon,Emeritus Professor, University of Buckingham, Author of ‘The Fourth Education Revolution: Will Artificial Intelligence liberate or infantilise humanity?’.

Delegates will assess the potential impact of AI on reducing staff workload, including AI-powered assessments and lesson planning, allowing more time for lesson delivery and supporting student experiences, and the training teachers need to use AI safely and appropriately within schools.

Further sessions focus on the limitations of AI tools and the professional judgement of teachers in checking for appropriateness and accuracy of materials, alongside steps schools are taking to review homework policies and other types of unsupervised study to account for the accessibility of generative AI.

Delegates will also discuss the role of AI in assessment moving forward and strategies to be implemented to prevent malpractice and protect the integrity of qualifications.